Tag: Prototyping

  • Lizzy Bakker

    Lizzy Bakker

    Visitor Research at Northernlight

  • Titus Wybenga

    Titus Wybenga

    Kaap Workout

  • Daniel Soltis

    Daniel Soltis

    Advent Calendar

  • Vlambeer


    Vlambeer talks about Super Crate Box, an intensely difficult indie game bringing back the glory days of the golden arcade age. Vlambeer is a game studio started as a graduation project for the Utrecht School of the Arts by Jan Willem Nijman and Rami Ismail. The collaboration started when Rami witnessed Jan Willem prototyping a game…

  • Helma van Rijn

    Helma van Rijn

    Helma van Rijn is an Industrial Design Engineering PhD candidate at the TU Delft ID-StudioLab, specialized in ‘difficult to reach’ user groups. De Klessebessers is an activity for people with dementia to actively recall memories together. The design won the first prize in design competition Vergeethenniet and was on show during the Dutch Design Week 2007. De Klessebessers is currently…

  • Cocoia


    Sebastiaan de With is an interface and icon designer working under the name Cocoia. He designs, teaches and runs a popular blog on interfaces and icons. Sebastiaan is easily recognized in Drachten wearing his Exploded Settings Icon or Bricky shirt and toting an iPad. Classics is one of the first popular e-readers on the iPhone, offering public domain books…

  • Tellart


    Matt Cottam is the founder of Tellart. Wooden Logic represents the first phase in a hands-on sketching process aimed at exploring how natural materials and craft traditions can be brought to the center of interactive digital design to give modern products greater longevity and meaning. It is only in the past decade or so that the community…

  • Janneke Sluijs

    Janneke Sluijs

    Janneke Sluijs will talk about Noot, a small tool meant to support creative sessions. Noots can be physically attached to paper artefacts that stimulate the creative process. This way, audio fragments are tagged, making it possible to retrieve the original audio context at a later time, for recollection or inspiration. Her story will focus on the…

  • Anouk Randag

    Anouk Randag

    Anouk Randag, service designer at 31Volts, will talk about FluxFloor, with which she graduated from Delft University of Technology. This project was the basis for the energy-converting dance floor that can now be found in Club WATT in Rotterdam. FluxFloor transforms the kinetic energy of dancing people into electricity, and provides visual feedback of the amount of…

  • Sanne Kistemaker

    Sanne Kistemaker

    Sanne Kistemaker, user centered designer at Muzus, will present Piece of Family: a tool that enables elderly to communicate with their family without a computer, using regular pen and paper, a scanner and a weblog. The system was developed using generative tools and contextmapping as a means to involve the user in the design process (co-creation). The design won…

  • Irene van Peer

    Irene van Peer

    Irene van Peer, a seasoned and awarded product designer, traveled to the townships in South Africa to work with a group of colleagues on a sanitation project. Based on conversations with people she came upon a simple, yet ingenious soution to convert the cap of an empty bottle into a homemade tap for washing your…

  • Philine van der Vegte

    Philine van der Vegte

    Philine van der Vegte, of Supernana and MacCover, will be presenting the development of the supernana felt holders for the Moo Minicards that most interaction designers have come to love.

  • Dirk van Oosterbosch

    Dirk van Oosterbosch

    Dirk van Oosterbosch, an Amsterdam based interaction designer, presented Fritzing. Fritzing is an open source application currently being developed to assist designers and artists in taking the steps from physical prototype to an actual product. The aim is to create a software application in the spirit of Processing and Arduino, that allows artists and designers to…

  • Schulze & Webb

    Schulze & Webb


  • Massimo Banzi, Tinker.it

    Massimo Banzi, Tinker.it

    Arduino family